Archive for July, 2018

I am writing this post to accompany a video on my new YouTube channel, Angela Bacon Books! This way you can have a list to print out if you would like to do so. 🙂 Here is a link to the video:

Here is a list of what (and who) you should consider bringing to your first book signing:

1. Copies of your books (obviously)

2. Multiple black pens

3. A helper

4. Tablecloth(s)

5. Price sign

6. Display materials to hold your books

7. Business cards

8. Flyers/other papers if you have them (sometimes I will bring copies of my copyediting contract)

9. Sign-up sheet for your e-newsletter if you have one

10. Paperweight(s) to hold down loose papers at an outdoor event

11. Change & change box/money pouch

12. Square or other product to enable you to accept debit & credit cards

13. Back-up battery for your phone or other electronic devices

14. Foam core board & easel

15. Sales tax license

16. Blank notebook

17. Table & chair(s)

18. Large garbage bags to protect your items if it is raining or snowing

19. Bags to put your customers’ purchased books in